Photography: World Flags as Subject

When capturing amazing photos of a world flag, look for the right details that will bring attention to the banner itself. Avoid items in the picture that will draw attention away from the colors of the flag such as distracting images of people making faces or unappealing elements like pollution or bad weather. The amount of light available in the background will set the mood of the photo.

Some great flag photos feature people showing respect to the flag such as soldiers saluting the banner. Taking photos of the flag during national ceremonies or flag-raising activities is a great way to bring emotion and life into the image. Include people in the photo to tell a story. You can set a photo op and ask individuals to wear distinct colors that will match the banner.

The flag can be used as the main piece or a complimentary object in the photo. You can also include other significant objects in the picture like a government building or historical landmark. Indicate the location of the photo by including visual elements that others can easily recognize.

The flag colors should match or be complemented by the background. The sky, grass, body of water or building can be a great background, provided these give contrast to the flag tones.

You can also take shots of several world flags lined together such as those in front of the United Nations building or during international events. These make a spectacular display worth taking several photos of and telling friends about.

About NorthStar Flags

I am the owner of Northstar Flag & Flagpole Company. We specialize in customs flag and banners at affordable prices. Our custom printed flags are sure to make the statement you want!
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