Things to Do When Showing American Flags

People can share their sense of patriotism in various ways. Especially during certain national holidays, people will be in the mood to decorate their homes, offices and shops. Many people, however, are not well-informed on how to properly display and keep the flags. American flags should be treated with respect at all times. The Flag Code will serve as a guide on how to raise, display, lower and dispose of the American banner the proper way. Many people tend to feature the flag the wrong way. Some states actually penalize violators so they have to be more familiar with the Flag Code.

The objective is to treat American flags with utmost respect. Any flag, regardless of the size, should feature the Union, which is the blue field with 50 white stars, situated on the upper left portion of the banner. It should also have the alternating red and white stripes. The Union should always be in front regardless of the form that the American flag comes in.

A half-staff is ordered by a governor or the US President if a former or current president, vice president or Supreme Court Justice dies. If a president dies, the American flags are shown at half-staff for a span of one month. For vice presidents and Supreme Court Justices, the flag is shown in the same way for 10 days. It is a sign of respect to the honored government officials as well as the highest position in the land. Notice how some flags are raised at half-staff in some places.

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where words and thoughts come in between deadlines and mafia wars
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